Thursday, July 31, 2008

Lantern - Traveling Through Recessus Labyrinthi... and the Uncharted Encephalon Spring 2004

Recorded in 2004, this mindfuck turns inside out on itself and regurgitates chaos into the sonic palate. The name alone of this sonic nightmare was a birthing of pure madness. Twin guitar drone and pure volume. The soundscape of a barren wasteland with minivans burned to the ground in a act of mindless tribal violence.

Bryce Brushnefski - V4, Samples
Joseph Henaghan - V4

Recorded on a Tascam 4 track that I traded a signed photo of William Shatner for.


Wednesday, July 30, 2008

This Broken Rule - 2000

Punk-Hardcore or another madness from 2000.


J Krak -Vocals
Jared Krak - Drums
Joseph Henaghan - Guitar
Jason Ormsby - Bass
Jayme Peck - Guitar

Recorded at Studio Peter Pan in Montreal Quebec by Radwan Momneh 2000.

Boon - 2004

Snippets of one of my personal favorite projects from the past.


Pure sonic terror.

Bryce Brushnefski - v4 fullstack (2 heads)
Trevor Cole - SVTClassic
Joseph Henaghan - Beatings
Chuck Tetreault - SVT3

chuck / joe / bryce / trevor (Boon 2004)

One love.